- WOYO MOTORS TECHNOLOGYCO., LIMITED was established in 2023, with its main business being the export of new and used cars, as well as automotive parts and accessories. The company has a wide range of vehicle and component resources, including new and used cars of various brands and models, to meet the needs of different customers. The company has a car showroom of over 1000 square meters in Xiamen, China.
- We have a professional sales team with rich experience in automobile exports. The team members have rich experience in automobile export and sales, and can provide personalized car purchase advice and professional after-sales service to customers. Whether it's car selection, transactions, or after-sales issues, customers can receive timely and accurate answers and assistance.
- To ensure the quality and reliability of each vehicle, the company conducts strict screening, comprehensive inspection, and maintenance of the vehicles. In addition, the company also offers personalized car purchase plans and flexible financial services to meet the different needs of customers.
- We have established a strict quality control system, including vehicle inspection, maintenance, and preparation, and cooperate with professional testing agencies to ensure that the quality of exported second-hand cars meets the standards and requirements of the target market.
- The company will establish a professional regulatory compliance team to closely monitor changes in target market regulations and policies, ensuring that the company's export business complies with relevant laws and regulations. At the same time, we will establish a sound risk management mechanism to assess and respond to exchange rate risks, political risks, and market risks.
- The above measures aim to establish good cooperative relationships with local dealers and buyers, and promote the development of the company's global new and used car export trade business.
Contact me to get a free car quote
Trade Manager: Amy
Company address
Room 4006, Strait Pearl Plaza, Siming District, Xiamen China